Baxter, Steve





Baxter, Steve




well said
Steve Baxter CO

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lynette Duncan [SMTP: <Email Address Redacted> ]
> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 7:29 PM
> To: <Email Address Redacted>
> Okay, I've heard enough bashing without putting in my 2 cents. I just
> recently took my ABC CP exam (and hope I passed!) I also plan to take
> the BOC Orthotics exam. Why BOC? Because like so many people, I do not
> have another year to spend in school. If the O and P schools were as
> numerous and conveniently located like other allied health fields (ie.
> nursing and PT), Then I would be there in a minute, But ABC's current
> requirements include uprooting your family and moving. Many people just
> are not able to do so, even though they would love to have the
> education-- and the recognition that education gives them.
> I am a single mother of two middle-school age daughters. The only way
> was able to get my education while being a full-time mom and a full-time
> student was to live on Welfare while still working part-time. (thank you
> to all the tax payers that allowed me to get the education I needed!)
> By the way, I purposely did not choose Northwestern Univ. as I refuse to
> live on Welfare in Chicago. Government housing in Minnesota was living
> as dangerously as I would allow.
> There are many caring hard-working talented O & P professionals who for
> many different reasons cannot uproot. Thus they choose BOC.
> I did not study Orthotics because with Welfare reform, I did not have
> another year to put aside. Actually I was only able to finish
> Prosthetics as a fluke. Once you have a Bachelors degree, Welfare reform
> will not let you continue your education.--but that's another topic for
> another forum.
> I am now a very happy taxpayer who refuses to go back to living on
> Welfare. I will also be paying back student loans for many more years.
> There really is no way for me to study orthotics formally.
> Further, there are many ABC credentialed professionals who also didn't
> study O& P formally. There were many people who were grand fathered in
> or who were already certified when the lofty educational standards were
> adopted. (I am certainly not putting down education, I really value mine
> and wish that everyone in the field could be educated--but as I stated
> before, it isn't very convenient or possible for many people.) Just
> because someone has ABC certification doesn't necessarily mean they are
> any better of a practitioner than someone with a BOC credential. There
> are good and bad practitioners in both ABC and BOC.
> I might add that the very first day of my residency I was introduced at
> a clinic as a CPO and ordered to lie about my experience. I left his
> facility after 3 months and found a much better residency (where I might
> add, I did more Orthotics than Prosthetics.) My first residency was at
> an ABC certified facility with a CPO, FAAOP--and though I will keep him
> nameless for this forum--He also is a AOPA President for a local state
> chapter!
> My point is that I value my education, I'm grateful for it, but I'm not
> naive enough to believe everyone with ABC credentials has the same
> education and values as ABC likes to believe. We are all human and there
> are many paths to this career. I would love to put CPO behind my name,
> but logically I cannot see how I can do that at this point in my life.
> Let's try to be kinder and judge people for there own individual values,
> compassion and talent.
> Lynette Duncan
> soon to be CP --hopefully!!


Baxter, Steve, “Re: ABC VS BOC BASHING,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 3, 2025,