Fw: Welcome to OANDP-L




Fw: Welcome to OANDP-L






----- Original Message -----
From: L-Soft list server at LISTS.UFL.EDU (1.8d) < <Email Address Redacted> >
To: Ronald Manganiello < <Email Address Redacted> >
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: Welcome to OANDP-L

> Welcome to OANDP-L, the listserver for the exchange of information
> for the orthotics and prosthetics profession. The listserver is
> intended for the free exchange of clinical and technical information
> between orthotists and prosthetists from around the world. OANDP-L has
> endorsed by ISPO and the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
> as a forum for the discussion of O&P issues. (ISPO and the Academy do not
> endorse the content of the discussions, but only the forum).
> Commercial postings on the list are not allowed, and may result in
> your removal from this list. Discussion of fees and salaries is not
> appropriate.
> Posting Messages: Please include your full name, credentials, and
affiliations whenever
> communicating with anyone through the listserv. For example, when
> answering or asking a question, please do not just sign your name as Joe,
> but rather as Joe Smith, CPO. This helps in lending credibility to
> both questions and answers, and may also help provide you with better
> feedback to your questions.
> Replying to messages: NEVER send a reply to a posted question to the
entire list. This means that if a question
> is asked on the listserv that you have an answer for, you should reply
> directly to the person who asked the question. This is very important,
> if your response contains a direct reference to a product or service that
> your company is selling. rfeplying to all is considered UNACCEPTABLE use
of the forum.
> You should not use the 'Reply to All' button of your mail program. Be sure
> when you are responding, that the message is being addressed only to the
person who
> sent the original question. This will help avoid congestion on the
> as well as be a more courteous use of the system. Individuals are
> encouraged to post a summary of responses to their question to share the
> knowledge that they have gained with the entire membership.
> Regarding viruses, the listserver blocks all attachments so that viruses
> cannot be distributed through oandp-l. Please do not notify the entire
> listserv if you have recieved a virus on your system. Chances are great
> you did not get it through oandp-l, even if the person you got it from is
> also a subscriber to oandp-l. Also, many of the virus alerts are hoaxes,
> in themselves are viral in nature.
> This listserv is only as strong as its members, and success depends upon
> following the rules. We look forward to your participation, and I
> you to actively use the system as often as possible.
> If you have any questions or problems, or need to report improper usage of
> system or unprofessional behavior of any of the subscribers, please
contact me
> directly at <Email Address Redacted>
> Sincerely,
> Paul E. Prusakowski, CPO
> Moderator OANDP-L



RONALD MANGANIELLO, “Fw: Welcome to OANDP-L,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/219985.