Re: comp. bidding




Re: comp. bidding






Mr. Garrison:

The answer to your question has two parts: First, in the closing days
of this lame-duck session it is becoming more likely with each passing
day that lawmakers will not enact a Medicare competitive bidding program
this year.

Second, when the new Republican controlled Congress comes back in
session early next year, AOPA expects that competitive bidding will
again take center stage as a way to offset increased Medicare payments
for other health care providers. AOPA incoming president Jon
Leimkuehler, CPO, FAAOP, has stressed that the O&P community must
continue to remain vigilant on this issue.

What can O&P professionals do to help? AOPA hopes that O&P
professionals will continue to write letters and call lawmakers
expressing opposition to this proposal. You can also invite your
representatives and senators to tour your O&P facility so that they can
see first-hand how O&P practitioners improve the lives of patients.
AOPA believes that these facility tours are one of the most effective
ways to get the O&P message across to our elected representatives.

To help with this, AOPA has developed a facility tour guidebook that
provides step-by-step instructions to arrange a facility visit and will
help you address key legislative and regulatory concerns facing the
profession. If you would like to receive this guide, please contact
AOPA's director of legislative affairs at (571) 431-0809.

AOPA also encourages you to check out our Web site where you can
directly send to your lawmakers letters opposing competitive bidding.
Click on the following link to access AOPA's Legislative Action Center:
<URL Redacted>

Thank you for your inquiry.

American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
(571) 431-0876
<Email Address Redacted>

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Roy Garrison [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:19 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: [OANDP-L] comp. bidding

Is Competitive bidding still in the making with the new congress?



AOPA, “Re: comp. bidding,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,