OPAF Establishes Legacy Program

Jeff Reznick



OPAF Establishes Legacy Program


Jeff Reznick





The Orthotic and Prosthetic Assistance Fund (OPAF) will arrive at the
upcoming AOPA
National Assembly in very good health. Our streamlined programs are
reaching more
individuals. Our commitment to efficiency in administration has enhanced
our effort
to serve the entire O&P community in the best ways possible. Our formal
of O&P in philanthropic and public circles has yielded relationships
that will
serve us well as we grow in future years. Our web site - www.opfund.org
draws thousands of visitors every month.

A summary of our accomplishments during 2001-2002 will be available
through our web
site before the end of this week.

On behalf of the Fund's Board of Directors, I would like to take this
to announce an important new initiative that will help us to ensure the
health of the Fund as we expand our public service and grow our official
representation of the O&P community:

<URL Redacted>

The OPAF Legacy Program aims to preserve our expansion as we fulfill our
primary mission: enable individuals with physical disabilities -
those served by members of the orthotics and prosthetic community - to
the rewards of personal achievement, physical fitness, and social

The OPAF Legacy Program is made possible through our relationship with
The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving, a national
fund that promotes philanthropy in the United States. As a public
and an IRS registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Program for
Charitable Giving will receive contributions made to the OPAF Legacy
and will provide donors with all of the necessary information to receive

a federal income tax deduction up to allowable Internal Revenue Service
limits. In addition, donors can contribute marketable securities to the
OPAF Legacy Program. By transferring long-term appreciated securities
in-kind to the Program for Charitable Giving, donors may then deduct the

full value of the appreciated securities and avoid paying capital gains
taxes. From time to time, the Fund's Board President and Director, with
approval of the full Board, will recommend that a distribution be made
from the Legacy Program to sustain and grow the Fund's mission.
to The OPAF Legacy Program at The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable
Giving can be as little as $500 or as generous as you wish.

Through the Program for Charitable Giving, the Fund benefits from the
investment management excellence and comprehensive research of the
funds firm of T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., because the assets in the
OPAF Legacy Program are invested under T. Rowe Price's guidance. Since
its founding in 1937, T. Rowe Price has built a heritage of integrity,
founded on the principle that taking care of its clients will take care
of the company. That philosophy, combined with proprietary research,
a foundation for the company's consistent, long-term risk-aware strategy

for managing investments. As of June 30, 2002, the firm and its
managed $148.8 billion in assets.

The OPAF Legacy Program enables you to embrace and carry forward your
own legacy of charitable giving through the official philanthropy of the
O&P community. Here is a way of giving a gift that will make an enduring

difference to the entire O&P community and the individuals we serve.

Your contributions of $500 or more to The OPAF Legacy Program will be
acknowledged formally by The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving

and by the Fund. In addition, we will send you a recognition plaque
for display, include your name on a permanent plaque in our office, and
each year preserve your generosity in the public record through
in the Fund's annual report to the entire O&P community.

For more information regarding The OPAF Legacy Program or to make a
please visit: <URL Redacted>, contact us
directly at (202) 223-8878, and/or be in touch with any member of the
Fund's Board of Directors.

Thank you for your continued support - now and in the future - as we
our legacy for the benefit of the entire O&P community and the
we serve.

To those of you traveling to Chicago, safe travels, and to everyone, all
best wishes -



Jeffrey S. Reznick, Ph.D.
Director and Senior Research Fellow
Orthotic & Prosthetic Assistance Fund, Inc. (OPAF)
1666 K Street NW, Suite 440
Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.223.8878
eFax 415.534.1857
Email <Email Address Redacted>
Web www.opfund.org

Support OPAF through our web site



Jeff Reznick, “OPAF Establishes Legacy Program,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 16, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/219850.