"Sutton" shoe machine - Response Summary

Ted Trower



"Sutton" shoe machine - Response Summary


Ted Trower




My question was:

I'm considering buying a small Sutton shoe machine. Does anyone have a
source for a similar device that they prefer? We will be using it
primarily for grinding thermocork foot orthoses. I do not need the
self-contained dust collection system the Sutton offers as we have a very
effective external dust collector which will be attached.

Responses follow:
I wonder if you may get any bites posting under 'for sale' on the forum at
www.oandptech.com. If you go ahead and put the information up, I will add a
category later today for 'looking to buy' and will move your post to the new
section. Thanks for your loyal patronage so far.

Mark Joyce

In the last 4 years we have purchased 2 small Sutton type grinders. They
both have (2) 4 wheels. ( that's the way we wanted them set-up)
The first company is Landis-Letendre, in Quebec, Canada.
Phone # 1-800-634-0806....Web site www.landiscanada.com

The second we bought last spring from Atlas International, out of Rancho
Cordova, CA.
Phone# 1-800-545-6287, or web site www.atlasortho.com

I had problems with the one from Canada with shaft bearings gone bad about
18mos after we got it. Plus the Canada people were a little cheaper in price
but shipping made up any difference.

Both machines are nearly identical

Hope this helps

Steve Baxter, C.O.

You can visit the following website for Atlas:

<URL Redacted>

Hope this helps.

Ken Rolff


Ted, Daryl and I are finally setting up our new office. Can't answer your
question because we will be using a Sutton. But what do you have for a very
effective dust collector since we are in that market. At this point we are
going with individual units for one/two machines instead of the central one.


Not freestanding but ACOR I believe has a great counter top model complete
with drum and I believe vacuum attachment ready.If you cant find through


Please post the responses as I am also in the market for a Sutton or
equivalent. Thanks.

Jim Rogers, CPO, FAAOP

I have a Jack Sander that I am not currently using. It has a great 4 belt
and 11/2 belt and a shoe trimmer. It is narrower and more compact than a
Sutton. If you want, I can take a digital picture and send it to you. I am
not currently using this machine. I have not need for it. It is for sale.

Dave A. Janke, CPO, CPed


I have a Grindpro 220 that performs as well as a Sutton but at a much lower
cost. Try Atlas International.

Bobby Leaber, CPO


We just bought a new one from Prime Materials for about $6K and it works
great. It has two belts with excellent dust collection. This is the second
machine that we bought from Prime and both have been excellent. Ask for


Jeff Reser

Here's a source. Sutton-Landis is defunct, but they have similar
machines. SHOE SYSTEMS PLUS, 888-697-9949, www.shoesystemsplus.com

Thanks for your assistance.

Ted A. Trower C.P.O.
A-S-C Orthotics & Prosthetics
Jackson, Michigan, USA


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Ted Trower, “"Sutton" shoe machine - Response Summary,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 1, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/219750.