Volunteers needed for online commitee

Paul Prusakowski



Volunteers needed for online commitee


Paul Prusakowski




Dear list members,

Earlier in the year I posted a request for volunteers to serve on the
Academy's Online Education and Multimedia Technologies committee. The
primary jobs of the volunteers would be to actively assist in the
continued development of the online Image Library that is available in
the Members Only section of the Academy's website at www.oandp.org
< <URL Redacted>> . Since posting that request for volunteers, my
laptop had been stolen and some data had been lost, including the list
of volunteers.

I am requesting that individuals who are Academy members that are
interested in assisting in this project please contact me by responding
to this message.

We need volunteers to do one of three things:

1. Donate slides to be digitized for the Academy image library
2. Sort and identify images with keywords and descriptions through
the web based interface
3. Scan slides if you have a slide scanner accessible to you

Individuals who donate slides to be scanned will receive a CD Rom with
digital versions of the images for use in Power Point or other
presentations when the 35mm slides are returned to them. Names of
donors will be identified with the images that are placed in the library
unless requested otherwise.

Volunteers would be expected to contribute between 2-5 hours per month.

We appreciate your contributions to the profession through assisting in
this massive ongoing project.


Paul E. Prusakowski, CPO, LPO

American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists

Online Education and Multimedia Technologies Committee



Paul Prusakowski, “Volunteers needed for online commitee,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 22, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/219362.