Reply to code of ethics

Saunders, Jan CPO



Reply to code of ethics


Saunders, Jan CPO


With all due respect, M. Heide CPO Ret. brings up a subject which has been
swept under the rug for years and years. Why don't we have peer review? most
other patient care professions do. I have offered to the board to sit on a
peer review committee.( I was never given a response) I have reported
unethical practices to the board (never to be contacted with any resolution)
If we don't have an active peer review process then why be hypocritical and
say We have a cannon of ethics.
I guess it is if someone who should be reprimanded or suspended, this would
reflect as a loss of revenue for the board.
Jan Saunders

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Saunders, Jan CPO, “Reply to code of ethics,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 24, 2025,