medflex replies part 1

J Bindi



medflex replies part 1


J Bindi




Original Post:
We are considering changing to Medflex from a custom Unix program. I have
read past archives comparing different software programs, but I'm interested
specifically in what Medflex users think about the system and its current
windows upgrades. Is it user friendly? Anything you don't like about it?
Anything you like better than other programs? I'll share replies without
names for privacy.


Thanks for all the replies:


The most frustrating people you ever worked with. It is a Dos based system
that has many limitations and poorly designed operational logic. Example: If
you make a mistake in some of the functions you must start all over, as
there is no way to backup one space. If you want to change to another
invoice you cannot save your work until you have entered a LCode


We have had MedFlex for a little over a year serving seven clinical locations, and a central fab.
MedFlex is a good program. It is data input intensive but, that is what allows you to manipulate the data for meaningful reports. The report writer could be better, MedFlex can install Crystal Reports to enable the ability to query the database.

The GL interface is very strong and allows you to generate thorough financial statements.

The biggest downside is the VPN setup. Not all areas have DSL or comprable service. A couple of our offices are not able to obtain even a 56K connection in their area. As a result their input capabilities are slowed somewhat. On the otherhand, our office with DSL connections function as though they were part of a LAN and maintain very good connectivity.

We researched all options before settling on MedFlex. It was the best decision and If I were to do it all over again, I would still choose MedFlex.


They have been talking about Windows upgrades for some time. I don' think
they are available yet.


We currently use Medflex and it has its pros and cons. It is still a
dos/windows program and I haven't received any windows updates in a while.
The billing is completely in dos version. Once you get used to it, it is
not so bad. We never had them do the in-house training and I would suggest
doing that. But to compare would be unfair because this is the only program
we have ever used.



J Bindi, “medflex replies part 1,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 26, 2024,