AOPA Official reply

Greg Howell



AOPA Official reply


Greg Howell


Please read and see where AOPA refuses to address this issue in an open
forum. Is this not an industry concern? Is my opinion only just if I am a
Dues paying member? and if I am does that change AOPA's position.
Everyone member and nonmembers alike read this and judge for yourself!

Mr. Howell -
Thank you for sharing your views. I will be glad to address your concerns
about AOPA, but first I need to verify your company's membership in our
organization. In order to help me do that, could you please provide the
name of your business.

As a membership organization, AOPA must devote its energy and resources to
responding to inquiries posed by its members. We do this in a variety of
ways including handling hundreds of telephone calls a month from dues-paying
members about Medicare issues, government relations matters, coding and
billing questions, compliance requirements and many other concerns which the
O&P community confronts daily. We also inform our membership of AOPA's
activities, policies and positions via our bi-weekly newsletter, a monthly
magazine, a Website ( and occasional postings on the

Once we have determined your company's membership status in AOPA, I look
forward to picking up the telephone and speaking with you directly about the
issues you've raised in your email. Alternatively, if you are not a member
of AOPA, I would be happy to discuss your concerns in the context of
describing how you can become a member of this fine organization which
represents over 1,400 patient care facilities, affiliate locations,
manufacturers, distributors, and educational and research institutions in
the O&P industry.

Tyler Wilson.

Tyler J. Wilson, Executive Director
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 200 Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Ph: 571/431-0876
Email: <Email Address Redacted>



Greg Howell, “AOPA Official reply,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 18, 2025,