AOPA wants to hear about your CMS/DMERC concerns
Walter Gorski
AOPA wants to hear about your CMS/DMERC concerns
Walter Gorski
Dear List Serve Members:
The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) has been asked to meet
with senior staff from all four Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carriers
(DMERCs), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) policy personnel
and Medicare program integrity (i.e. fraud and abuse) staff to identify
specific problems the O&P industry is having with the DMERCs. We would like
to solicit your input to ensure that we present a comprehensive picture for
Some of the issues AOPA intends to raise at this meeting include: concerns
with the DMERC probe audits and the timely payment of audited claims,
unclear and unreasonable documentation requirements, the lack of industry
input in CMS coding and reimbursement determinations, the expectation that
O&P providers obtain physician medical records and the lack of information
available to determine Medicare eligibility. However, we know that many of
you could expand this list, so please take a few minutes to think about what
issues are most critical to your patients' care and your facility
The following are some areas you may want to consider, but any of your
CMS/DMERC concerns will be helpful.
* What specific Medicare medical policies cause you problems
and what can be done about them?
* Are there administrative or procedural problems that you run
into when dealing with the DMERCs? And if so, how can the system be
corrected to alleviate these problems?
* Are the DMERCs timely in their claims payment and if not, is
there an identifiable problem that can be corrected?
* Is the quality and accuracy of the information you receive
from Medicare service personnel acceptable?
* Are there any covered Medicare services that are routinely
* How can communications between your facility and the DMERCs
be improved?
In dealing with any bureaucracy, we make more headway if we can suggest
solutions to problems, rather than simply identifying issues. So any
suggestions to correct the problem(s) you identify will be greatly
If you would like to send AOPA your CMS/DMERC concerns, please respond to
Kathy Dodson by e-mail at <Email Address Redacted> <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> .
Kathy would appreciate receiving your e-mails by noon on April 12, 2002.
Please include in your subject response CMS/DMERC concerns.
Thanks for your consideration of this request.
Walter Gorski
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 200 Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Ph: 571/431-0876 (Direct: 571/431-0809) Fax: 571/431-0899
Email: <Email Address Redacted>
The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) has been asked to meet
with senior staff from all four Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carriers
(DMERCs), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) policy personnel
and Medicare program integrity (i.e. fraud and abuse) staff to identify
specific problems the O&P industry is having with the DMERCs. We would like
to solicit your input to ensure that we present a comprehensive picture for
Some of the issues AOPA intends to raise at this meeting include: concerns
with the DMERC probe audits and the timely payment of audited claims,
unclear and unreasonable documentation requirements, the lack of industry
input in CMS coding and reimbursement determinations, the expectation that
O&P providers obtain physician medical records and the lack of information
available to determine Medicare eligibility. However, we know that many of
you could expand this list, so please take a few minutes to think about what
issues are most critical to your patients' care and your facility
The following are some areas you may want to consider, but any of your
CMS/DMERC concerns will be helpful.
* What specific Medicare medical policies cause you problems
and what can be done about them?
* Are there administrative or procedural problems that you run
into when dealing with the DMERCs? And if so, how can the system be
corrected to alleviate these problems?
* Are the DMERCs timely in their claims payment and if not, is
there an identifiable problem that can be corrected?
* Is the quality and accuracy of the information you receive
from Medicare service personnel acceptable?
* Are there any covered Medicare services that are routinely
* How can communications between your facility and the DMERCs
be improved?
In dealing with any bureaucracy, we make more headway if we can suggest
solutions to problems, rather than simply identifying issues. So any
suggestions to correct the problem(s) you identify will be greatly
If you would like to send AOPA your CMS/DMERC concerns, please respond to
Kathy Dodson by e-mail at <Email Address Redacted> <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> .
Kathy would appreciate receiving your e-mails by noon on April 12, 2002.
Please include in your subject response CMS/DMERC concerns.
Thanks for your consideration of this request.
Walter Gorski
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 200 Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Ph: 571/431-0876 (Direct: 571/431-0809) Fax: 571/431-0899
Email: <Email Address Redacted>
Walter Gorski, “AOPA wants to hear about your CMS/DMERC concerns,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 17, 2025,