Re: AOPA Official reply
Sue Ten Pas and Harold Anderson
Re: AOPA Official reply
Sue Ten Pas and Harold Anderson
It does seem like AOPA has a strong closed club mentality. I am opening my own
small practice and could use much of their advice right now. However, I can't
justify the $1200+ fees until I start bringing in some cash.
Another (for profit) company has been helping me tremendously. HMS of Bellevue,
NE who will do my billing. They do not get paid until I get paid. Yet they
cheerily have helped me get started. Thanks Pat and Candy.
Perhaps AOPA could take some lessons. But then, again, maybe they are happy
with their current clientelle and are not interested in helping new practices.
What is their mission?
Harold Anderson CO
Greg Howell wrote:
> Please read and see where AOPA refuses to address this issue in an open
> forum. Is this not an industry concern? Is my opinion only just if I am a
> Dues paying member? and if I am does that change AOPA's position.
> Everyone member and nonmembers alike read this and judge for yourself!
small practice and could use much of their advice right now. However, I can't
justify the $1200+ fees until I start bringing in some cash.
Another (for profit) company has been helping me tremendously. HMS of Bellevue,
NE who will do my billing. They do not get paid until I get paid. Yet they
cheerily have helped me get started. Thanks Pat and Candy.
Perhaps AOPA could take some lessons. But then, again, maybe they are happy
with their current clientelle and are not interested in helping new practices.
What is their mission?
Harold Anderson CO
Greg Howell wrote:
> Please read and see where AOPA refuses to address this issue in an open
> forum. Is this not an industry concern? Is my opinion only just if I am a
> Dues paying member? and if I am does that change AOPA's position.
> Everyone member and nonmembers alike read this and judge for yourself!
Sue Ten Pas and Harold Anderson, “Re: AOPA Official reply,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,