Re: AOPA Official reply

Robert Hrynko



Re: AOPA Official reply


Robert Hrynko




Ron, I would be happy to. This is a great Idea.

Robert L Hrynko, CPO, LPO, etc, etc,

----- Original Message -----
From: Gingras, Ron
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 1:19 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: Re: [OANDP-L] AOPA Official reply

     I wonder if some of the owners of small to midsize successful practices
would be interested in forming a chat room in which they could act as
mentors to other small businesses starting out . This forum could represent
a group of unselfish individuals who are willing to share advise and
direction regarding all business needs. I think the time has come for this
type of forum and exchange of information.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sue Ten Pas and Harold Anderson [SMTP: <Email Address Redacted> ]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:59 AM
> To: <Email Address Redacted>
> Subject: Re: [OANDP-L] AOPA Official reply
> It does seem like AOPA has a strong closed club mentality. I am opening
> my own
> small practice and could use much of their advice right now. However, I
> can't
> justify the $1200+ fees until I start bringing in some cash.
> Another (for profit) company has been helping me tremendously. HMS of
> Bellevue,
> NE who will do my billing. They do not get paid until I get paid. Yet
> they
> cheerily have helped me get started. Thanks Pat and Candy.
> Perhaps AOPA could take some lessons. But then, again, maybe they are
> happy
> with their current clientelle and are not interested in helping new
> practices.
> What is their mission?
> Harold Anderson CO
> Greg Howell wrote:
> > Please read and see where AOPA refuses to address this issue in an open
> > forum. Is this not an industry concern? Is my opinion only just if I am
> a
> > Dues paying member? and if I am does that change AOPA's position.
> > Everyone member and nonmembers alike read this and judge for yourself!
> >


Robert Hrynko, “Re: AOPA Official reply,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,