wanted to buy

Adam Lehotay



wanted to buy


Adam Lehotay




Good Morning.

I have an AK patient, 50 yrs old, 240 lbs, 6'4, avid outdoorsman, truck driver, who has been wearing a Mauch/Flexfoot/Ossur/Century XXII polycentric knee setup (flat bottom-setup #00153) for the past ten years.

According to the manufacturer this product was discontinued about a year ago due to lack of demand.

I would like to purchase this unit if someone has one in stock.

If none are available I would appreciate some suggestions. The patient has tried the High Activity knee and the Multiplex . Neither afforded the same stability or the folding under quality that the patient is used to. He states it provides a safer swing phase, better clearance in his vehicle, and better cosmetic symmetry, particularly in a sitting position.

Thanks for your help.

Adam <Email Address Redacted>

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Adam Lehotay, “wanted to buy,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed May 19, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/218454.