DAFO thread

John Russell



DAFO thread


John Russell




Hi all on the OandP List
Regarding this DAFO's thread, so why then when we are the experts, in the
last 15 years of our professional careers we have not improve on the DAFO
My thought is that we are in our own little worlds, with minimal oversight
of the total outcomes of our products, and what we do. This is how we can
say for a spastic kid, that standard AFO's, metal AFO's with T-straps, or
bivalve AFO's work just fine.
So what is the main goal of all of these AFO's is just to get no complaints?
Would it be better to have our basic goal to stop the progression of the

What we need is a Spotlight on these and any other design in a public form.
This could be just like a chili cook off contest or a wine tasting contest,
where people or companies would make AFO's for more than one person and then
be judged, by experts, patients, and audience.

Please no replies with out any name or e-mail address.

John Russell
Language, Borders, Country
e-mail <Email Address Redacted>



John Russell, “DAFO thread,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 23, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/218265.