"Participating" Medicare providers-more responses

Randall McFarland, CPO



"Participating" Medicare providers-more responses


Randall McFarland, CPO


Here is more discussion regarding the benefits of being a Medicare
participating provider
(Responses separated by a blank line)

I applaud the efforts you are putting forth to find the answer to benefits of
accepting assignment with M/Care. We had an exchange a few months ago
not accepting assignment but operating as if we did....unless something fishy
was noticed.
    I now have been with the VA for 6 Months and the politics involved in
simple things changed at the Federal Level is more apparent than when I
you 6 months ago. I love the change I made....and am observing from an
different vantage point..., what is happening with Medicare, billing,
authorizations. In the interim of trying to see the changes M/Care is
I would CYA and not accept assignment in general and operate as if you did
assignment on all but the peculiar cases.
    I find it interesting that Kathy Dodson states that there are
benefits...yet cannot share examples of actual benefits from all the Regions.
Does she even know
what Region D encounters...or is her info based on the Region she is located
Maybe we could suggest that a Society with representatives from each Region
established to assist with getting O&P and Medicare on the same page
problems we encounter as a nation and not as a particular region.

From my own experience, there are no benefits as a participating provider. If
someone has found serious benefits, I would like to be informed. As a
participating provider, your participation only benefits Medicare in allowing
them to enforce unjust rules to your reimbursement.

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Randall McFarland, CPO, “"Participating" Medicare providers-more responses,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed December 27, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/217991.