US Politics: NAAOP Legislative Briefing



US Politics: NAAOP Legislative Briefing


Fellow Academicians and Colleagues:

The National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics
(NAAOP) has accepted the Academy's invitation to update their members on
various Federal issues. Therefore, I would like to extend an invitation for
you to attend NAAOP's Legislative Briefing on Friday, March 9, 2001, in the
Morocco Room beginning at 4:30 p.m.

Peter Thomas, Esq., general counsel for NAAOP, will provide you with a
valuable understanding of Federal legislation that will be impacting our

The passage of recent legislation has raised concerns with several
colleagues. Section 427 of the Beneficiary Improvement and Protection Act has
established language regarding Qualified Practitioners and Facilities for the
provision of orthotics and prosthetics. Section 427 further requires a
negotiated rule making process to interpret the intent of the law.

The negotiated rulemaking process will establish, through a consensus
procedure, a recommendation to the Secretary of Health and Human Services
regarding which health care practitioners (Physicians, Physical Therapists,
Occupational Therapists, Orthotists, and Prosthetists) should be qualified to
provide traditional O&P care within qualified facilities.

Please don't miss this opportunity to get up to speed on this, and other,
important issues which continue to shape our profession.

NAAOP will have a Member's Only Briefing immediately following the general
briefing to further discuss this issue. If you are not an NAAOP member,
please consider joining and becoming a supporter of our Legislative Action

For further information on the negotiated rulemaking process, and other
issues, visit our web site at <A HREF= <URL Redacted>>NAAOP</A>.

I hope to see you there.

Michael J. Allen, CPO, FAAOP, President
National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics



“US Politics: NAAOP Legislative Briefing,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025,