Beverly Hills P&O, USMC and Springlite Sponsors Amputee for Barr Foundation
Tony Barr
Beverly Hills P&O, USMC and Springlite Sponsors Amputee for Barr Foundation
Tony Barr
I would like to share with the list serve members comments of another happy
recipient of a prosthesis that otherwise woud be impossible for him to
obtain. Read Pastor Daniel's thanks (below). He was sponsored by Beverly
Hills Prosthetics and Orthotics in California. Keith Vinnecour, owner of the
facility, Springlite and USMC deserve public thanks.
Springlite and United States Manufacturing Company also assisted in
graciously providing the required components as donations for this effort.
The importance of the OANDP Listserve should also be recognized and thanked
for providing this valuable link that the Barr Foundation as successfully
utilized for its domestic and foriegn assistance efforts.
Proving cyberspace can be successfully utilized for such humanitarian
efforts as well as a link to valuable information.
Thank You Paul and staff at OANDP-L !!
Tony Barr
Barr Foundation
> Dear Mr. Barr,
> Peace and Blessings of God be with you!
> I was able to bring home the new prosthesis leg you gave to me. I am so
> really happy for this leg. It is so different compare to my old
> prosthesis. Eventhough I am having a hardtime of using it, I'm sure I'll
> be use to it, and will enjoy the comfort it brings. Keith and Brian was
> so really patient, they did their best to this prosthesis for my
> satisfaction. My next appointment with them will be on Fabruary 20, for
> final adjustment whenever the need arises, and hopefully the putting of
> cosmetic cover.
> I really appreciate and thankful for your help. You are part of the
> reality of my dream. I know that God will not take for granted what you
> have done to me. I believe, you will always be blessed for the rest of
> your lives and your service.
> Respectfuly Yours,
> Pastor Daniel
recipient of a prosthesis that otherwise woud be impossible for him to
obtain. Read Pastor Daniel's thanks (below). He was sponsored by Beverly
Hills Prosthetics and Orthotics in California. Keith Vinnecour, owner of the
facility, Springlite and USMC deserve public thanks.
Springlite and United States Manufacturing Company also assisted in
graciously providing the required components as donations for this effort.
The importance of the OANDP Listserve should also be recognized and thanked
for providing this valuable link that the Barr Foundation as successfully
utilized for its domestic and foriegn assistance efforts.
Proving cyberspace can be successfully utilized for such humanitarian
efforts as well as a link to valuable information.
Thank You Paul and staff at OANDP-L !!
Tony Barr
Barr Foundation
> Dear Mr. Barr,
> Peace and Blessings of God be with you!
> I was able to bring home the new prosthesis leg you gave to me. I am so
> really happy for this leg. It is so different compare to my old
> prosthesis. Eventhough I am having a hardtime of using it, I'm sure I'll
> be use to it, and will enjoy the comfort it brings. Keith and Brian was
> so really patient, they did their best to this prosthesis for my
> satisfaction. My next appointment with them will be on Fabruary 20, for
> final adjustment whenever the need arises, and hopefully the putting of
> cosmetic cover.
> I really appreciate and thankful for your help. You are part of the
> reality of my dream. I know that God will not take for granted what you
> have done to me. I believe, you will always be blessed for the rest of
> your lives and your service.
> Respectfuly Yours,
> Pastor Daniel
Tony Barr, “Beverly Hills P&O, USMC and Springlite Sponsors Amputee for Barr Foundation,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 16, 2025,