Re: Ethics of patenting O&P ideas

John Russell



Re: Ethics of patenting O&P ideas


John Russell




Hello everyone
Patents in the O&P field is not really a good idea on custom items
* If any thing (patentable item) has been done (given or tried on a patient)
for more than a year then the patent idea will not stand up in court
* All you win in court case are the profits that you have lost
* A small company can copied your patent on a custom basis, and you will
never get back what the court cost will be
* Here in CA most patent attorneys will want to do percentage of royalties
or other similar funding so small volume items that O&P makes will not even
get an appointment with the good patent attorney.
* The only AFO that I know of that was patent The Tera-Step AFO and most of
us will say what's that!
* You can't patent IDEAS!
* In this custom world of O&P you could change it enough that it would not
infringe on someone patient
* There is a 18 months window that foreign countries have access to
summaries of those patent items, and can state that they are also working on
that device or process, and you will not be granted the patient (maybe if
you pay off person that stated he had that patented item)

That's all for Now, John Russell



John Russell, “Re: Ethics of patenting O&P ideas,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 7, 2024,