FES Unit with foot switch
Mark Taylor
FES Unit with foot switch
Mark Taylor
Several years ago, there was a special foot switch developed to help
with anterior tib control. Apparently, the switch allowed controlled
muscle stimulation at certain phases of gait. This was tried on stroke
patients who needed stimulation of ant. tib through the swing phase.
When weight was places on the switch by the foot, the stimulation was
turned off. Can anybody help me with information on where I might obtain
such a device? A PM&R physician wants to reverse this action and
stimulate the quads during stance phase. The patient who has quad
strength when stimulated, cannot fire his quads on his own. Any advise
would be greatly appreciated.
with anterior tib control. Apparently, the switch allowed controlled
muscle stimulation at certain phases of gait. This was tried on stroke
patients who needed stimulation of ant. tib through the swing phase.
When weight was places on the switch by the foot, the stimulation was
turned off. Can anybody help me with information on where I might obtain
such a device? A PM&R physician wants to reverse this action and
stimulate the quads during stance phase. The patient who has quad
strength when stimulated, cannot fire his quads on his own. Any advise
would be greatly appreciated.
Mark Taylor, “FES Unit with foot switch,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/213822.