A/R outsourcing- Responses



A/R outsourcing- Responses


I practiced in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years running
Hittenberger facilities until just before OSI / NovaCare bought them. I
ran a small private facility from 1990 - 95 called Mobile Orthotic &
Prosthetic Associates until I left California.
    The best investment I ever made in getting paid was by dealing with TSI,
a prepaid collections business. They sell you collection vouchers that you
then use for outstanding debts. For best results they recommend that
accounts be sent to them at 45 days, even though they will handle older
    You have three different types of format you can tell them to pursue,
mild for little ole ladies, moderate for local hospitals or businesses,
extreme for all insurance companies.
    In about 1993 I bought 100 vouchers for about $900.00. The fist five we
sent out brought in one outstanding account from an insurance account for
$900.00 that was close to a year old and the were denying the claim saying
the person who had given my staff authorization made a mistake. The
collections notices with an insurance company immediately kick up to their
legal department and the legal beagles settle rather than have expensive
Here is my original post:

Here are the responses received (separated by a blank line)

The vouchers create a series of collection demands from a legal office that
are worded very effectively. I had patients calling apologizing for
Overlooking paying their bills.
    You can not turn Medicare or Medicaid over to them though, I tried.
    The last number I have for them in my records is in Birmingham, AL. The
salesman I dealt with was Richard (Dick) Sztanyo @ (205) 822-5400. Their
address was: 400 Vestavia Parkway, Suite #271, Birmingham, AL 35216.
Robert A. Bangham, C.O., L.O., L.P.A.B.I

A/R can be controlled from the point of time when the practitioner first
codes his services for your administration; in house or outsourced. The
cleaner the claim the quicker the payment. Secondly, is your current staff
having third parties return original claims submissions for legitimate error
correction? We found one of our practices using the billing I.D. number of
another practice. Never knew how it happened, but took some time to
straighten out. There are several areas of billing form detail that can be
streamlined for your staff's convenience that prolong the aging of your
A/R. If this is the cause of your problem, then consider outsourcing.
    Otherwise, stick with your staff and identify the problems their having.
Bill Schumann, CPO



“A/R outsourcing- Responses,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/213792.