Re: Interesting Licensure Fact...

Joseph F. Carideo Jr.



Re: Interesting Licensure Fact...


Joseph F. Carideo Jr.




You bring up some interesting points, especially when you say the hospital
could care less if you are licensed or not. I'm not familiar with all the
rules and regulations regarding hospitals but I would venture to say that
when they are up for re-accreditation with JAHCO and other credentialing
boards, that they will care very much if you have a license to practice
orthotics in your state.
I don't do this for selfish reasons, I already have a license. I do know
that if we don't look at regulating ourselves, someone else will, and that
someone will have a license to practice O & P. The therapy group is a large
and strong one and they are writing a national scope of practice act to
include O & P. What does this all mean? Well, should the act pass, they
will be the professionals in O & P and the only ones designated in their
state, qualified to provide those services. Does that mean they are the
most qualified? No. Does it mean they have the most education in O & P? No.
Does it mean thay will have the final say as to what type device goes on a
patient? Oh boy, you betcha!!!
Glad to see you have your license, keep it don't ever let it lapse. You may
not think so right now, but it will be the most important little piece of
paper you have in your possession in the coming years.



Joseph F. Carideo Jr., CP
Newport News, VA, 23606
(757) 873-1984
(757) 873- 9755 FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: <Email Address Redacted> [SMTP: <Email Address Redacted> ]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 5:28 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: Re: Interesting Licensure Fact...

what is the true reason for the interest of this...? Is it because of
restriction to others
who are not so that the few that are will get all the business...or do we
really care about protecting the public. I work for a major trauma level 1
hospital and am a Liscensed Orthotist (for now) They could care less wether
have one or not.
I have been preaching to administration about the importance of my little
piece of paper that hangs on the wall and the responsibility that goes with
it. The thought from them is that it is a ploy to give all the glory and
control to the Orthotists who do have it.



Joseph F. Carideo Jr., “Re: Interesting Licensure Fact...,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 6, 2024,