Re: OANDP-L Digest - 17 Jan 2000 to 18 Jan 2000 (#2000-1

Reed Coleman



Re: OANDP-L Digest - 17 Jan 2000 to 18 Jan 2000 (#2000-1


Reed Coleman





What gives ???? If I go to your site,, I find
inconsistencies in your demeanor. A prosthetist can't call an
individual a 'patient' but an orthotist can?????? If I go to, then choose guides, then choose cripworld guide to
amputation, then choose glossary of terms, and scroll down to
Orthotist, I find that he/she is a PATIENT care practitioner !!!!!!!
And if I go to choosing a prosthetist,( not verbatim, but in my own
words ), ' if the prosthetist refers to you as a PATIENT, run as fast as
you can ???' What the H-E double hockeystix, ( LL ), is up wit dat
???????? (< slang :-) ).

But, hey wait a second, if on the other hand, I'm a prosthetist AND an
orthotist, then I'm not half bad!!!!!! ( which I am both ). And, If I
consider myself to be in the MAJORITY of prosthetists' that are
reputable individuals,( which I am, according to my patients ( since
they refer a majority of my new patients ) ), and I put my patients'
interests first,......oh my .... thank you, thank you, thank you, I am a
respectable prosthetist, and orthotist, after all. I must at least be
hitting on 7 out of 8 cylinders!!!! ( approx. 86% ). And I thought only
75% at best. Bless you for recognizing my true abilities !!!! I truly
appreciate your talents, and thank you that you have given me your
approval and recommendation!!!!!

Sincerely yours,

E. Reed Coleman, L.P.O., C.P.

P.S. I am also sooo glad to read in your 'amputee rights and
obligations' section, that you feel it is up to the 'individual', (
patient, client, amputee, etc. ) to be proficient in selecting the right
prosthetist on his/her own judgment. 'Cause I agree, It is your
responsibility. I also STRONGLY agree with your patient bill of
rights. ( Although our facilities 'Patient Bill of Rights' is MUCH more
detailed and protecting of the patients, in my opinion. ) If you would
like our 'Bill of Rights', please feel free to request by e-mail, I will
be happy to send.



Reed Coleman, “Re: OANDP-L Digest - 17 Jan 2000 to 18 Jan 2000 (#2000-1,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025,