Re: US-Politics: Illinois Licensure
Re: US-Politics: Illinois Licensure
Terry......... Congratulations to you and all those who contributed to the
effort to see O&P Licensure become a reality in Iliniois!! We can only hope
more states will see the value in protecting the consumers of O&P
healthcare!!!......... John
In a message dated 8/16/99 12:26:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
<Email Address Redacted> writes:
<< On August 14th, Governor George Ryan signed the Illinois Orthotic,
Prosthetic, and Pedorthic Practice Act (Senate Bill 658). Illinois has
become the sixth state that has decided to license orthotists and
prosthetists. It is also the first state to include pedorthics in the title
of the practice act. >>
effort to see O&P Licensure become a reality in Iliniois!! We can only hope
more states will see the value in protecting the consumers of O&P
healthcare!!!......... John
In a message dated 8/16/99 12:26:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
<Email Address Redacted> writes:
<< On August 14th, Governor George Ryan signed the Illinois Orthotic,
Prosthetic, and Pedorthic Practice Act (Senate Bill 658). Illinois has
become the sixth state that has decided to license orthotists and
prosthetists. It is also the first state to include pedorthics in the title
of the practice act. >>
“Re: US-Politics: Illinois Licensure,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 16, 2025,