Re: Prosthetics Legislation

george boyer



Re: Prosthetics Legislation


george boyer




A puny 8 is to laugh almost. What this effort does not hear or
take into account is the chorus of amputees' voices evidencing painful
ill-fitting sockets and impossible alignments making their ONE covered
prosthesis a torture to use....and making their adjustment to life as an
amputee a purgatory of discouragement. Certification alone is not a
remedy.....supervision of new prosthetists in training and selection for
talented performance WILL bring the necessary improvement. See recent
posts relating to the German system of training.

And how about a bloody email address for Congressman Wexler....IF he is
really interested in replies. George B.

<Email Address Redacted> wrote:

> The William G. Barr Amputee Protection Act
> The critical difference between Durable Medical Equipment(DME) suppliers
> and O&P providers is the level of education and training needed to
> provide comprehensive O&P Services.
> U.S. Congressman Robert Wexler from Florida has recently introduced
> House Resolution #1938, also named the William G. Barr Amputee
> Protection Act of 1999. This legislative bill, if passed, will require
> providers of custom made O&P services to obtain certain education and
> training in order to request reimbursement from Medicare. This Federal
> legislation will be similarly formatted to Florida's successful
> regulation passed two years ago. Presently providers of Medicare O&P
> services are not subject to regulation.
> This bill will have a dramatic impact on preventing fraudulent Medicare
> claims which cost taxpayers $8 million per year. Future efforts of
> increasing O&P benefits to Medicare recipients will only be possible
> upon regulating the industry. We can make a difference, but not without
> your help.
> Play an important role in protecting the physically challenged and you
> as a taxpayer. Help set a new precedent for better O&P coverage from
> Medicare and other insurers by reducing fraud and abuse in the industry.
> I have signed my Letter of Support below. Please deliver it along with
> of others to our U.S. Congress Legislators in a collective show of
> endorsement for regulation of the prosthetic and orthotic industry and
> legislative resolution H.R. 1938. Please join our efforts by signing and
> returning the form below to Congressman Robert Wexler, House of
> Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515. Fax: 202-225-5974, Phone:
> 202-225-3001. Contact your Congressman and Senators. Today!
> Letter of Support for Regulation of the Orthotic and Prosthetic Industry
> Dear Congressman Wexler,
> I am deeply disturbed about the fraud and abuse that exists for the
> physically challenged by the unregulated industry of prosthetics and
> orthotics. I support H.R. 1938. I urge you to protect the physically
> challenged by passing legislation to regulate the orthotic and
> prosthetic industry. By adopting regulation for orthotic and prosthetic
> practitioners, high standards of care for amputees and the disabled can
> be established through educational standards of excellence. Please plan
> for a healthy future for those who face physical limitations by passing
> H.R. 1938. I will be watching this proposed legislation and would
> appreciate your support.
> _____________________________
> Signed:
> ____________________________ __________
> Name (Printed) Date
> _____________________ __________________
> Address
> For more information on how you can work to help the physically
> challenged in this effort, please contact your U.S. legislators and the
> Barr Foundation at (561) 394-6514. Support H.R.1938


george boyer, “Re: Prosthetics Legislation,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,