Just a message from Sasha

sasha watson



Just a message from Sasha


sasha watson




Dear All,

Over the past months since joining the oandp list serve, I have to
write and say how much I admire all of you orthotists and prosthetists
for the way that you all communicate with each other.

You all bounce ideas off each other and share the same aim of achieving
what is best for your patients. It is refreshing to see this.

Not that I am not saying that is does not happen out in england at all,
it is just the way you all get involved and respond to possibly other
colleagues that you may never have met or will never meet.

For myself in any event to see this amount of committment to one's
profession is both refreshing and allows me to see other o and p'ers
points of view and clinical experience.

Give yourselves a big round of applause.

With regards,

Prothetist/Orthotist, Northern Ireland.

P.S. Could somebody please explain the consolidation issue to me in a
very brief nutshell.

Thanks in advance.

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sasha watson, “Just a message from Sasha,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 28, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/212095.