trip to Bosnia

Larry Wiley, CP



trip to Bosnia


Larry Wiley, CP


Dear O&P Friends,
        As you recall, about a month ago I put out a request for new and used
prosthetic componentry. The components will be used to build arms and legs
for the Bosnians that have suffered amputations during the many years of
fighting that has left there country littered with deadly landmines. Even the
mineswept areas are only considered 80% clean.
        The group I am going with began as 12 members six months ago and is
now down to 7. It is an outreach ministry of health care professionals from
the Charleston, South Carolina area. We are affiliated with East Cooper
Baptist Church and Samaritan's Purse. We leave for Bosnia on 3 June 99.
        Several of you replied to my original request and asked questions:
Charitable Donation?
Yes, each donation will be considered a charitable donation. Please include a
note with the worth of your donation and a letter will be sent back to your
organization for you to file with your personal/company tax return. East
Cooper Baptist Church does this frequently.
How will the items get to Bosnia?
Each of us can carry 140 lbs of luggage. But, the US Air Force will fly in
any items (no matter the amount) we cannot pack...and I'm hoping it's a lot.
Also, one of the seven people going to Bosnia will be there one week early to
accept any items we send over by air. Future shipments will be sent to the
hospital we will be working at.
What type of stuff is needed?
Any components that can be used to fab legs from a Symes level to a hip
disarticulation level amputation.
*This would of course mean, feet, pylons, carbon braid, nyglass, pyramids,
tube clamps, pelite, knees.
Complete AK and BK systems that are just gathering dust in your home or
Tools such as allen sets, cast saws, heat guns, vacuum pumps, lamination
Supplies, such as plaster bandage, plastic (poly pro, poly-e), fiberglass
wrap, stump socks, IPOP socks, etc.
Where do we send the stuff?
Send to:
(attn: Larry L. Wiley, CP)
9304 Medical Plaza Drive
Charleston, SC 29406

Phone: 843-824-0663
Fax: 843-824-0127

As you know...3 June is approaching very fast. If you have any questions,
please call me as soon as possible so we can get things rolling again. I
would like to have these items by 27 May so we can box them up and send them
out, however, any items that arrive late will be shipped over to Bosnia after
I return.

There has never been a better time to help people truly in need. Please
search your closets, cabinets, corners, basements, and businesses for items
we can use.

Thank you and God bless,

Larry Wiley, CP


Larry Wiley, CP, “trip to Bosnia,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,