




On Saturday, May 15, someone identifying themselves as Tom Gorski with the
address of ( <Email Address Redacted> ) wrote the oandp-listserve on the topic of
kickbacks by hotels on room rates. I want you to know this person is not the
Tom Gorski who is Executive Director of the American Academy of Orthotists
and Prosthetists. (Attempts to contact the individual at <Email Address Redacted>
were returned as undeliverable.)

Neither the Academy nor AOPA has taken advantage of hotel room commissions in
the past, despite what seems to be a trend by thousands of other
associations. We are currently examining whether our nonparticipation in
this trend is costing the association.

Your questions and comments are always welcome.

Tom Gorski
Executive Director
American Academy of Othothists and Prosthetists


“Clarification,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,