Back Pain Website -Reply

Mark Holian



Back Pain Website -Reply


Mark Holian




Is this the face of things to come??
While we as orthotists, are being concerned that pharmacies supply
off the shelf braces which may or may not be suitable,
with or with-out advice from counter staff with no orthotic training,
now clients 8- ) are being referred to the internet!!
Well I suppose that puts an end to the client / patient argument,
Though Mr ZeroCool you might be less likely to waste your money
if you had some professional advice, preferably in person rather than on the list.
Mark Holian
Director Orthotics and Prosthetics
Royal Brisbane Hospital

>>> ZeroCool < <Email Address Redacted> > 28/May/1999 07:38am >>>
Thanks for all the information, my doctor has instructed me to buy a brace
  <URL Redacted> ) from the internet. I was surprised at
the cost, I expected a much higher price. Has any seen or used this
product? For $119 bucks I guess it's worth a try.

Please forward any info you may have on this brace. I certainly don't want
to waste any money.

Thanks again!


Mark Holian, “Back Pain Website -Reply,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 16, 2025,