Australian O and P Student...

Christy Smith



Australian O and P Student...


Christy Smith




Lately we (at PandO.Net) have been receiving a lot of email from students
in Australia that are looking for information on the
certification/requirements of Australian graduates wishing to work
overseas. Please read the email noted below and if you can help I'm sure
it would be appreciated! Please respond directly to the student as well as
the email list - I too am curious of these requirements so I can pass them
on to future Inquirers! Have a great afernoon and thanks for any
assistance you can provide.

Christy Smith, VP
Prosthetic and Orthotic Network - <URL Redacted>
Jim Smith Sales, Inc <URL Redacted>
888-627-2636, Fax 888-307-2636
<Email Address Redacted> or
<Email Address Redacted>

-----Original Message-----
From: Joellen McPhan [SMTP: <Email Address Redacted> ]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 7:09 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: Australian graduates

hello there, my name is Joellen McPhan and I'm a third year P&O student in
Melbourne. I was wondering if you could help me with an assignment I am
currently writing. It is about the certification/requirements of Australian
graduates wishing to work overseas. I would be extremely grateful for any
information you could provide me with. Thanking you, Joellen.


Christy Smith, “Australian O and P Student...,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 17, 2025,