Re: Bob you make a perfect argument....



Re: Bob you make a perfect argument....


In a message dated 2/2/99 11:48:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, <Email Address Redacted>

<< I think you know if the vote were held today I would not be comfortable
with what the average professional knows about the process or about the
structure of this Bold New Venture. However, it is not being held today and
there is no select group of people trying to ramrod a manufacturer or large
corporate controlled organization down anyone's throat in a rush to
judgment. >>

I apologize for answering/responding to e-mail sent to Wade Bader, but felt I
needed to comment on this statement as well as make an observation.

Bob, you're right, the vote is not being held today, I think we all know what
the results would be if it were. However, it is being held in August, if I'm
not mistaken. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as there are far more
knowledgeable people than I out there, but according to Roberts' Rules of
Order and our own By-Laws, isn't any change to By-Laws required to be put
before the body a defined amount of time, (one year, I believe) prior to a
vote? Again, if I'm not mistaken, the motion to amend or change the By-Laws
must be made at one general assembly then voted upon at the next. Help me out
here all those familiar with Parliamentary procedure. If this is the case, or
if even remotely accurate, then no vote can be taken in August, unless this
motion was made last August. In which case, it's been a well guarded secret!

Enough on procedure, now my observation. Recently, Academy members received a
bulletin/newsletter from President Schumann and in view of all these
discussions on consolidation, I looked forward to getting some information or
some insight. All I found was a small picture on the back of the newsletter
showing a small workgroup discussing (I think) consolidation. Nothing more,
nothing less. In other words - no information. If this is dissemenation to the
membership then I guess I'm missing something here. That's my observation -
just as small as the information provided.

See you all in March
Joe Carideo


“Re: Bob you make a perfect argument....,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 28, 2025,