Re: About 5th metatarsal stress fracture orthosis

Charles L. Eral



Re: About 5th metatarsal stress fracture orthosis


Charles L. Eral




At 09:26 PM 2/24/99 +0900, Dr. Sun G. Chung M.D. wrote:
>Hello OandP-Lers,
>I would like to know if you have used any brace for the healing phase of
5th metatarsal(MT) stress fracture. I met a junior basketball player who got
repeated 5th metatarsal(MT) stress fracture with one year interval. He is
well healing after cast immobilization. But as you know the 5th MT stress
fracture is notorious for their nonunion or refracture, he wants some
supportive measure to prevent repeated fracture.
>Do you have any suggestion?
>Thank you in advance.
>Sun G. Chung M.D.

Dr. Sun G. Chung,

There was a brace introduced at the 66th annual meeting of American Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons, February the 5th in Anaheim, California. The
complete long study of the Arizona Brace is on the internet web site
<URL Redacted>
It was also introduced at 2nd Combined meeting of Foot and Ankle Surgeons in
Italy in September 1998. I've heard of some really good reports, like 90%
success rate.
Check it out. It says it is also good for nonoperative treatment of
posterior tibial tendinitis.

(I copied this of the web site:)

        1.To stabilize ankle area, talocalcaneal, midtarsal, and subtalar
        2.To create medial and lateral stability.
        1.Tibialis tendinitis (posterior/anterior).
        2.Ankle arthritis, and DJD (Degenerate Joint Disease. )
        3.Ankle, subtalar, or midtarsal trauma.
        4.Talocalcaneal varus or valgus.
        5.Severe pronation, pes planus.

Being a Certified Pedorthist & Orthotist I know the 5th MT stress fracture
is notorious for their nonunion, and can be a big problem. I would be
interested in your replies. Would you be good enough to compile the answers,
and send them over the Orthotics and Prosthetics List Service.

Thank You,

Charles L. Eral, Orthotist, C.Ped.


Charles L. Eral, “Re: About 5th metatarsal stress fracture orthosis,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025,