
Wieland Kaphingst





Wieland Kaphingst




Having worked for Third World Organizations we have always wanted such
figures. There is nothing reliable available to my knowledge. The most
carful and appropriiate estimate of what has done in the field of such
statistics will be available from the World Health Organization (also the
most trustworthy - even if being relatively conservative).

You should call or write to:
Dr. Enrico Pupulin
Chief Medical Officer Rehabilitation
20 Avenue Appla
CH 1211 Geneva 27
Te. ++41-22-7912111
Fax: ++41-22-7910746
No e-mail to my knowledge. But you find their Office or Europe on the
INTERNET: <URL Redacted>

You may also want to ask ISPO. They will probably be just as knowledgable.
Their head quarter is in Denmark;
Secretary: Aaase Larson
ISPO - Borgervaenget 5
DK 2100 Copenhagen
++45-3120-726Fax: ++45-3118-1669

or you call University of Strathclyde and ask for Norry Jacobs (ISPO)
+44-1-41-552-4049 (this would be a shorter way)
Good luck - and let the news list know about your results.

Wieland Kaphingst

At 06:30 PM 1/20/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear List:
>I am a CP and live and work in Greece.
>I am writing to inquire whether anyone has any figures/statistics that may
>indicate the total number of patients that would normally require P&O
>services over a 1 year period in a total population of 10.5 million people
>assuming normal market patterns/conditions. It would be a plus if these
>numbers can be categorized by those requiring Prosthetic services vs. those
>requiring Orthotic services. I would also greatly appreciate comments
>regarding the number of P&O facilities that would be required to serve the
>needs of this patient population.
>My inquiry is the result of a recent announcement by the National Insurance
>Company of Greece for bids leading to the award of a one year contract for
>all P&O services within Greece ( population 10.5 million ). The sole
>criterion for the successful bidder is the lowest price. I have been asked
>by the PanHellenic Association of P&O Manufacturers and the PanHellenic
>Association of the Physically Challenged to challenge this contract on the
>grounds - et al. - that it is impossible for one company to provide these
>Currently there are no statistics available to indicate the number of people
>requiring P&O services in Greece. However, the lawyers for the
>aforementioned organizations believe that any such figures/statistics will
>be beneficial.
>Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
>Best regards,
>J. Reynik

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Wieland Kaphingst, “Statistics,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 9, 2025,