
Karl Montan





Karl Montan




Dear Listmembers,
My request for the meaning of some abbreviations has had an unexpected
response. Many listmembers have given their informations and comments
and as I canĀ“t thank you all with individual letters, I will do it
this way.
The result is shown below and I will include it as a link to my homepage
<URL Redacted>
I have support by a grandchild for that procedure at the end of this
month and therefore the shop is open a forthnight for futher comments
and corrections.
You may observe that my aim is to simplify the reading of texts
especially about partial foot amputation.

Karl Montan

in English particularly used in USA, relevant to partial foot
amputation and lower limb amputation

AFO ankle foot orthosis
AK above knee
AKA above knee amputation
BOC (o) orthotist (Board for Orthotist Certification)
BOC (p) prosthetist (Board for Prosthetist Certification)
Cad/Cam computer aided design/ computer aided manufacturing
CO certified orthotist
CP certified prosthetist
C Ped. certified pedortist
CPO certified prosthetist-orthotist
DAK double above knee
DBK double below knee
DF dorsiflexion
DF distal femoral
DPM doctor of podiatric medicin/surgery
EVA etyl vinyl acetate
HCFA Health Care Finance Administration (Medicare)
HD high density
HD hip disarticulation
HKAFO hip, knee, ankle, foot orthosis
HP hemipelvectomi, leg, hip and half of pelvis
JT joint
KAFO knee, ankle, foot orthosis
L left
LAK left above knee
LBK left below knee
ML medial lateral (medial to lateral, the width of something)
OST orthopedic shoe technician
OT orthopedic technician
OTR occupational therapist registered
OTC orthopedic technologist certified
PF partial foot
PFFD proximal femoral focal deficiency (congenital disease, an absence
of a femoral head in children)
PP polypropylene (rigid material for e.g. splints)
PT physical therapist
PTB patella tendon bearing
PU polyurethane/urethane
PVA poly vinyl acetate (a thin plastic used e.g. in laminating
PVC poly vinyl chloride
RAK right above knee
RBK right below knee
R right
ROF registred orthotic fitter
RL residual limb
RPT registered physical therapist
RRB rigid rocker bottom
RT (o) registred orthotic technician
RT (p) registred prosthetic technician
RT(o p) registred orthotic-prosthetic technician
RTV room temperature vulcanizing (a silicone elastomere)
SACH (foot) solid ankle cusion heel
TA trans ankle
TA tibialis anterior
TEC total environment control (polyurethane gel with padding
TF trans femur
TK trans knee
TMA transmetartarsal amputation
TT trans tibia
VSP vertical shock pylon (Flex foot)
WT weight

All comments, completions and corrections are welcome!


Karl Montan, “Abbreviations,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 7, 2025,