Patient or client?Professional or mechanic?

Tony Barr



Patient or client?Professional or mechanic?


Tony Barr


I believe Florida O&P consumers can now be described as patients since (Florida) practitionors are now required to have a state license to practise their profession(previously a trade.)This recent transition (July 1998) in the state of Florida, of mandatory licensure, and minimumal educational standards , raises the status of the O&P practitionor to the level of a professional from a tradesman / mechanic identity.

The prior (optional) certification process did not necessarrily quarantee qualification of the practitionor.With the requirement of a state license to practise the profession, goes the recognition, responsibility and accountablity of being a health care professional.

Perhaps,once the industry in other states recognizes the importance of establishing mandatory credentials thru licensure , health care insurance providers will revisit and review insurance coverages for O&P services.The beneficiaries of regulation become the patient and the professional.The recent expansion of O&P coverage to adults by Florida Medicaid was a direct result of upgrading ,thru regulation ,the image and qualifications of the industry(now a profession in Florida!).

Perhaps one might ask,What other occupation deserves the recognition as a profession when no license or certification is required to practice their trade?Espicially when that occupation is health care related ?

Congratulations Florida O&P PROFESSIONALS!!!
You are leading the way to the transition of a higher standard from an industry to a profession and your identity as a health care professional!

Anthony T. Barr
The Barr Foundation

> In response to the recent posting regarding referrring to amputees as
> patients instead of clients.
> I have to respectively disagree with the authors assertion that a
> Prosthetist is no more than a tradesman, or mechanic, who is hired to fill
> an order for a part or supply. I believe that there is a very important
> distinction between care giver and mechanic.
> Perhaps it is because I work in a hospital setting, but I do not believe any
> of the patients that I provide care for, see out relationship as one where
> a customer is hiring a mechanic to build them something. Of course there
> is a part of what we do that is technical and requires reimbursement.
> However, I think that it is degrading to the entire Prosthetic profession to
> look at what we do as the same as a mechanic.
> Without getting to longwinded here, I will pose a couple of questions
> myself.
> Is the patient / Physical Therapist relationship any different? They are
> hired to provide a service. They are paid to do so.
> Is the patient / Surgeon relationship any different? They are hired to
> work on the body and are also paid to do so.
> I do not believe that prosthetists are intentionally trying to offend
> amputees by referring to them as patients, but when we are called in as
> part of the rehabilitation team to assist with getting a person back on their
> feet, or back to work, they see it as a patient / care giver relationship.
> Thanks for letting me vent a little.
> Steve Fletcher, CPO
> Shands Hospital at the University of Florida


Tony Barr, “Patient or client?Professional or mechanic?,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025,