Re: US Politics

Tony Barr



Re: US Politics


Tony Barr


Thank you Grant for your worthwhile suggestion.Those that have no interest in the subject matter can eliminate the message by reading the header of the subject matter,US Politics.

As my friend ,Mr.Van Hook as pointed outthere at least two wonderful things about the internet.One is that it is democratic.The other is that you can delete what you don't want to deal with.

For those that have an interest,I am pleased to announce that the following O&P orgainizations have provided position statements in favor of the supporting the Barr Foundation in eradicating medicare fraud and abuse and encourages the federal government to develop and pass legislation requiring federal standards for practitioners providing custom O&P services.

The American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics
The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
The Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
The Florida Association of Orthotists and Prosthetists
The United Amputee Services Association
The Barr United Amputee Fund

We ask the subscribers of this listserve to help by enlisting the support of other state and national, O&P, disability and health orgainizations and support groups.Please contact the Barr Foundation directly via private e-mail , foundation@ , with your suggestions of contact names and comments.

We thank the above mentioned orgainizations for their sincere interest and active support for O&P patient advocacy and for its support for quality orthotic and prosthetic care.

Anthony T. Barr
The Barr Foundation

> Hi all,
> Was I dreaming when this subject came up recently and it was agreed to
> have something in the message subject line like U.S. Politics: to allow
> the rest of us to filter it out. With one message there is of course no
> problem in deleting it manually. However if this sparks off another deluge
> of mail it makes life a little tedious. Your co-operation is appreciated.
> Grant Crosthwaite


Tony Barr, “Re: US Politics,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 28, 2025,