Re: Academy Information



Re: Academy Information


In a message dated 98-02-19 12:45:28 EST, <Email Address Redacted> writes:

<< The American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists is supposed to be for the
 INDIVIDUAL practitioner's benefit and professional growth. >>


I was thinking about posting to this list about sharing a room at AAOP to keep
cost down, still need to scrape up the registration fee. Another option is to
have your travel agent find something cheaper like a Motel 6 within walking

Maybe independent practitioner members of the Academy need to work out a deal
with a travel agency or hotel so that they to can afford to attend their
conventions. This is a service that the National Office could offer like EAA
does for the pilots attending Oshkosh. Three or four of us share a room in one
of the dorms for the fly-in.

Maybe we need to rethink this whole national meeting thing. There are more O&P
meetings today then ever before. Two national meetings, Regional meetings,
CECs, and now the NovaCare, HOG, and ACA meetings. I know this gets to be a
little overwhelming for the suppliers and usual O&P presenters.

At one time conventions where for socializing and vacation on the company
expense account and tax deductible. That is why they have been held in resort
cities. This is no longer the case today with the changes in O&P.

I know the NovaCare meetings are focused, and intense for the education of the
employee. They run from early morning to late evening and are mandatory. Their
preferred supplies are there and are also focused as the attendees are
required to visit with them to lean what new they have to offer. They just
concluded a meeting on the west coast so there will be no reason for their
practitioners to attend the AAOP meeting on the east coast.

National meetings have been the primary revenue generators to sustain and
operate our national organizations, but this requires attendees and exhibitors
which are now being redirected to more focused programs. It has been said that
NovaCare and HOG are the primary financial supporters of AOPA and AAOP.The
two organizations who depend upon the national meetings for most of their
additional funding for operation.

The number of meetings is a topic of discussion among supplies every year as
their resources get stretched thinner by every new meeting scheduled. I
remember a discussion many years ago with Bonnie Stump about eliminating the
AOPA national meetings because of the expense to suppliers where the moneys
expended would be better served if it went to the organizations, rather then
to display builders, trucking companies, convention centers, and hotels. Not
to forget the money spend on air fares, lodging, and etc.

Makes you wonder what outsiders think about us as a profession the why we
spend our money. We need to ask ourselves on eve of the new millennium why we
hold national conventions and can we do it the same job more cost effectively
in some other way.

Hope to be able to see you at the AAOP meeting.



“Re: Academy Information,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,