,Hypobaric System,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hypobaric

Dave Home



,Hypobaric System,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hypobaric


Dave Home


Dear Colleagues
        I would be interested to hear from anyone who has tried the Hypobaric Above Knee
Suction Suspension system.

        I have tried it on one bilateral AK. It worked well and the client was very happy. However,
I found that by the time I had the socket tight enough to maintain suction ,I had more of a medial
roll than I was comfortable with.
        Is this something that needs to be accepted when pushing on a suction socket or is
there a way to get suction and have all the medial tissue contained?

Thank you.
 David Home CP(c)


Dave Home, “,Hypobaric System,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hypobaric,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed April 29, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/209960.