Suction Valve for flex inner in Transradial

Trevor Townsend, CPO



Suction Valve for flex inner in Transradial


Trevor Townsend, CPO





The overwhelming consensus for a suction Valve for flex inner in Transradial
is the, ESP Pee Wee valve. < <URL Redacted> >
<URL Redacted>

Here are some others.

With release or without?

Smallest no release is OB one way valve. It's about 15mm long and 5mm
diameter. 4R142. You need OB tube with flat base, recommended for Harmony,
I have no packages left for PN, sorry. It's a black tube with flat base on
one end, that you resin to a surface, cut to suitable length and insert that
valve in.

Anecdotally, but working for years by now on my patient, is clear thin gel
band, like from Alps gel sheath, placed over a hole in socket. It's called
fart valve, as it makes farting noise expelling air, but seals and works
better than most of them fancy valves. You can release suction by lifting
band edge to let air back into the socket. Bryatlly simple and functional.

I used a blood pressure cuff valve and a manual pump for an elevated vacuum
TR socket once several years ago. If I recall I think I also used miniature
quick connects from an air brush set up to facilitate connecting the
manual(brake bleeder) pump to the valve. Turned out patient usually just
opened the valve pushed his arm in and then closed the valve to act as an
expulsion type setup. Hope that helps

Top Fin Aquarium Check Valve, 2

Broadbay (Streify USA) just released a very small valve for that exact


Trevor Townsend, CPO

Valley Institute of Prosthetics and Orthotics

Bakersfield, CA 93301



Trevor Townsend, CPO, “Suction Valve for flex inner in Transradial,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 27, 2024,