Fabrication techniques

Wil Haines



Fabrication techniques


Wil Haines




Hello Colleagues and Guests,

I would like to know what, if any, techniques work well for fabricating;
for example, an AFO with a full 1/4 Aliplast or similar foam liner, and
a copolymer, or equivalent thermoplastic superstructure over carved 4
pound density iso..... foam. In the past, I have always had issues with
the Aliplast sticking to the nylon stocking that was over-layed over the
foam model, using either a single or double layer of hosiery nylon. I
have tried silicone spray over the nylon in the past, but that never
seemed to work well either. Sticking was never a problem when plaster is
the material for the model, so I'm assuming heat transfer to the foam is
the issue. I don't want to skim the foam with plaster as I have done and
seen done in other facilities. I can't remember exactly what the project
was, but I know that Otto Bock used to dip their molds in liquid
silicone. That may have been over foam, but I don't recall. Anyway that
process is a nightmare trying to minimize personnel falls, so I don't
want to revisit that technique either.

Thanks for any suggestions that seem to work for your facility.

Wil Haines, CPO

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Wil Haines, “Fabrication techniques,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 24, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/209588.