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In December of 1969 the Committee on Prosthetic-Orthotic Education of the National Academy of Sciences initiated publication of "NEWSLETTER .... AMPUTEE CLINICS" in an effort to disseminate timely information to amputee clinic teams throughout the country and to provide a vehicle for the interchange of information among clinicians responsible for the care of amputees.
The Newsletter met with immediate success and was published every two months until 1975 when policy changes at the National Academy of Sciences precluded publication of the Newsletter .... Amputee Clinics. The final issue, Vol. VIII No. 1 has been published with a date of July 1976 after a hiatus of nearly a year.
Because so many members of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists and their colleagues on the clinic teams that they work with have voiced regret that the forum provided by the Newsletter no longer exists the Board of AAOP, after a study, determined that the majority of the membership were in favor of assuming responsibility for continuation of this type of publication. Therefore, the board of the AAOP has made the decision to proceed on the basis of four issues per year, initially, and to expand the coverage to include orthotics.
It was hoped that an announcement concerning the plans of the AAOP would be made in the final edition published by the NAS, but since such could not be effected this abbreviated edition is being sent to those who in the past have received the "Newsletter-Amputee Clinics" to determine the size of the circulation that can be expected.
Our editor for the new publication will be Mr. A. Bennett Wilson, Jr. who helped formulate the original newsletter while in his previous position as Executive Director of CPRD. Mr. Wilson is now acting Director of Training at the Krusen Research Center of the Moss Rehabilitation Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. The editorial board will be headed by Charles H. Epps, Jr., M.D. of Washington, D.C. Dr. Epps is chief of the Juvenile Amputee Clinic at D.C. General Hospital. Mr. Robert B. Peterson, R.P.T., Supervising Physical Therapist for Hospital Services, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the undersigned will also reside on the board. This group plans to seek technical consultation with representatives of the Veterans Administration Prosthetic Center and the Rehabilitation Services Administration of Health, Education and Welfare on all applicable subject matter.
We would also like to thank Mr. Anthony Staros, Director of the Veterans Administration Prosthetic Center for his assistance and guidance in planning this new publication.
To begin, four issues per year are contemplated. The initial subscription rate will be $8.00 per year. Each issue will contain short articles on both Prosthetics and Orthotics. AAOP members will receive their copies as a service to members. Prices will be adjusted to reflect costs without profit to the AAOP.
A subscription order blank is included in this issue for the use of those who are not members of AAOP. Your participation will help us in assuring the long term success of this publication.
Joseph M. Cestaro
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“Introduction,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,