Discontinuous AK cover

Stephan Manucharian



Discontinuous AK cover


Stephan Manucharian




Dear List:
What material do you use for the tibial section of a discontinuous AK
cover? I used Otto Bock plastizote BK cover a few times, but it is too soft
for that purpose and thus, is not very durable, especially at the proximal
end, where it has to be tapered down to a thinner thickness.
Thank you in advance.


*Dr. Stephan R. Manucharian, CP, BOCO, LP(NJ), FAAOP*

*Doctor of Health ScienceClinical DirectorOrthopedic Arts Laboratory,
Inc.141 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11201718-858-2400; Fax:
718-858-9258; https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.OrthopedicArts.net&d=DwIBaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=Q5hqMBFOMVtqsRYtNf2KLHh2xrd9x1tLysUFzBvZh-RpsuoLfyvMlvbjSxXQn-S5&s=xGU1Bhbnf_Wh4upVvsXfw3X1hEDDSJspeyR9toXHygA&e= < https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.OrthopedicArts.net&d=DwIBaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=Q5hqMBFOMVtqsRYtNf2KLHh2xrd9x1tLysUFzBvZh-RpsuoLfyvMlvbjSxXQn-S5&s=xGU1Bhbnf_Wh4upVvsXfw3X1hEDDSJspeyR9toXHygA&e= >*

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Stephan Manucharian, “Discontinuous AK cover,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 23, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/142111.